
由于快速的数字化转型, 全球经济转型, 加强监管审查, 首席财务官的角色变得比以往任何时候都更具挑战性.


Middle market businesses are confronted with an array of financial management challenges, ranging from intricate supply chains and international operations to complex tax structures and diverse investment portfolios. 管理现金流, optimizing working capital and ensuring compliance with an ever-expanding web of financial regulations demand astute decision-making and strategic foresight. Navigating these challenges requires businesses to create process efficiencies and better leverage technology and automation, 同时用更少的vwin娱乐场官方做更多的事情.


54%的财务和会计主管 report they can’t find talent with the needed skills to fill their open roles.


79% of boards say their management team has discussed using or is implementing digital technologies to improve their organization’s tax, 财务和会计流程.


Business intelligence and analytics are the top priorities for middle market executives aiming to leverage raw data and make decisions based on hard numbers.

财务管理的重要性怎么强调都不为过. Accurate financial reporting and forecasting enable informed decision-making at both the strategic and tactical levels. 审慎分配vwin娱乐场官方, capital budgeting and risk assessment empower chief financial officers to drive growth and enhance profitability. 此外, robust financial management enhances a company's credibility with stakeholders, 投资者, 和债权人, 建立信任,促进资本获取.

通过拥抱技术, 利用数据驱动的洞察力, 采取前瞻性的风险管理措施, CFOs can transition finance from a back-office function to a role of strategic partnership to position their organization for sustained growth and resilience.


RSM提供广泛的财务管理服务, 满足您特定需求的工具和vwin娱乐场官方. No matter what level of support you require, RSM is here to provide it.





首席财务官在驾驭监管格局方面面临许多挑战, which requires a deep understanding of evolving compliance requirements. 同时, 他们必须熟练地发现和应对经济挑战, 比如vwin娱乐场官方波动, 确保金融稳定. Transforming the finance function to integrate technology and analytics, 同时实现增长战略, 需要在创新和财政纪律之间取得微妙的平衡. RSM professionals provide a range of advisory services to support CFOs in addressing these myriad challenges.

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